My friend Jess will be running the Boston Marathon comes April 2009. This super athletic friend of mine has completed triathlons and half marathons in the past. So it's only natural progression that she moves onto a marathon!
Not only is she challenging herself, but she is also helping the community by raising money for Good Sports, which is a community based non-profit that aims to promote healthy and active lifestyle by distributing sports equipments to disadvantaged children. What better way to exemplify the mission of Good Sports by running marathon! Check our some of the statistics that Jess has put together on her fundraising page. And while you're at it, please make a donation to help Jess meet her $3000 goal!
If you're in the Boston area on April 20th, do join me along the route to cheer Jess on!
P.S. Don't forget to take advantage of corporate matching!
This Blog, R.I.P.
7 years ago